Lao Tzu for Everyone
Students, Scholars,
& Seekers
Peter Gilboy, Ph. D.

regarding the characters
chosen for this translation.
Lesson 11
On Nonbeing
and Being
(又 right arm + 肉 flesh)
exist, have, there is
When we look at fine Chinese calligraphy, we first note the script. But that exists only because of the white background. While we might not focus on the white background, it is there as much as the foreground. They need each other. They complete each other. And here is a key question: Which existed first—the calligraphy or the background? After all, the background was not a background until there were characters in the foreground.
Consider our own existence and the existence of all the things we see around us and which have come forth in the world. Where is the background from which they came forth? From where have our individual ways come? That is what this lesson is about.
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Line 1
Thirty spokes converge on a hub.
It is because of the empty
space in the hub that a
wheel has become a wheel.
卅sà 輻fú 同tóng 一yī 轂gǔ
thirty spoke same/unite one hub
當dàng 其qí 无wú 有yǒu
suitable (pron.) not have have/there is
車chē 之zhī 用yóng 也yě
cart (pron.) use (part.)
Thirty spokes unite to make one hub suitable..
Suitability is in its not having.
Therein is the use of the cart.
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Line 2
We fire clay to make a vessel.
But it is only because of what
is not there that
a vessel has become a vessel.
然rán 埴zhí 為wéi 器qì
fire clay make vessel
當dàng 其qí 无wú 有yǒu
suitable (pron.) not have have
埴zhí 器qì 之zhī 用yòng 也yě
soil-clay vessel (pron.) use part.
Fire and clay make a vessel.
As for suitability, it’s in not having,
which has the vessels use.

Line 3
We make doors and windows.
It is because of what is not there
that the room has become a room.
鑿záo 戶hù 牖yǒu
chisel/pierce door window
當dàng 其qí 无wú 有yǒu
suitable (pron.) not have have
室shì 之zhí 用yòng 也yě
room use use part.
Cutting doors and windows.
The suitability is in not having,
that there is the use of the room.
* * * * * *

Line 4
Therefore, while what exists
physically is needed,
it is what exists nonphysically
which has allowed each thing
to become what it is.
故gù 有yǒu 之zhī 以yǐ 為wéi 利lì*
therefore have (pron.) by means make/do sharp/benefit
无wú 之zhī 以yǐ 為wéi 用yòng
not have (pron.) by means make/do use.
Hence, having something (being),
by means of it making a thing beneficial,
By not having (nonbeing)
it makes a thing’s use.
*Character note: 利lì literally “sharp.” As in English, its meaning here is to “have an edge,” and thus, by extension, what is “advantageous” or "beneficial."
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In this lesson, and others, Lao Tzu is asking us to consider our own existence as well as the existence of all the things which have come forth around is. Where is the background from which they came forth? From what source have our individual ways been bestowed?