Lao Tzu for Everyone
Students, Scholars
& Seekers
Peter Gilboy, Ph.D.

the Way
Line 5 萬物歸焉而弗爲主
Line 6 是以聖人之能成大也
Line 7 以其不爲大也
More on
'Not Doing.'
The Way is everywhere, and is already doing everything, Lao Tzu tells us. If this is correct, then what is left for us to do of ourselves? The sage understands this, and does nothing of himself or herself.
Click on each line number
for Chinese-English interlinear
& commentary
The Way is everywhere,
reaching both
left and right.
It does everything,
and yet there is
no name for it.
All things are
returning to the Way,
and yet it does
not rule over them.
The Way
seeks nothing
for itself,
and for that reason
it can be called "small."
But because all things
are returning
to the Way, and yet
it does control them,
it can also be called great.
This is how
the sage too
accomplishes things.
It is precisely
because the sage
does not
strive to be great,
that he or she can
accomplish great things.
. . . . . .